• Clean your eyes for at least two times in day with plain water.
  • Use protective glasses while driving vehicle.
  • If you are having refractive error, use spectacle regularly.
  • Do not look directly towards sun or towards welding work.
  • Eat all types of green vegetables and fruits regularly.
  • While reading or studying, sit upright in comfortable position and in a good light.
  • While watching TV, sit at the distance of 8 to 10 feet from TV and do not switch off lights in the room.
  • While operating on computer keep the screen of monitor at the level or little bit below the level of your eyes. After every 20 to 30 minutes of work do palming and slight smooth massage on your eyes for few seconds.
  • At least 6 hr sound sleep is necessary for healthy eyes.
  • Do regular checkup of your eyes.
  • Don’t do self medication.